Hi Guys, how was part 1? Have you watched it? If you can't find the right one to watch, don't worry because I came up with part 2!!!!! Of course, it will be more interesting and you will get recommendation web dramas with more more amazing plots. The web drama is usually available on social media platforms like Youtube or V App with a short duration and no more than 16 episodes. Recently I discovered that a few web dramas are available on Viki App and you can watch them for free. Few of them also available on Kakao TV, but I don’t know either it’s only for Korean or not. So no more talk, let’s begin the list! p.s. - I have tried my best to memorize and listed a few web dramas with the best plot and story. · - Please take a note that the list below is based on my personal preference - I also rate them based on the story, acting/cast, and rewatch value · - The list below is not in order/random ...